What work was completed?
What are some items (or issues) the MS/HS team needs to address in your learning progressions?
Janette Hansen
4/5/2011 05:57:24 am

1. I went through the progressions we have and did some proofing and added just a couple of little things

2. I think we're finished

Jim and Gwen
4/5/2011 06:22:02 am

1. Finished 6-8 Life Science cells, cellular structures, cellular respiration and organic compounds. We highlighted the progressions for our own purposes. We looked ahead to find the progressions for meiosis and mitosis to link for the high school.

2. Is it possible to start a progression in the middle school without a basis in elementary? Do they discuss cells in elementary? We could not find the connection in 3-5, at least not an obvious one.

Art - Becky Feser
4/5/2011 06:22:11 am

1. I worked on a new progression on Evaluation/Creativity

2.I want Jean's input on this as I was the only one working on this. I want to know if she thinks this progression is important enough to add.

Social Studies - Virg and Shari
4/5/2011 06:32:55 am

1. We started color coding the History Learning Progression.

2. Discuss color coding with Elementary and High School Teachers. Does the progression always have to go K-12?

4/5/2011 06:34:37 am

1. We color coded reading vocabulary and literacy writing.
2. We need to look at and start speaking and listening strands. We are concerned about how this matches up with Common Core.

Mandy Bahr
4/5/2011 06:34:56 am

1. I went through and re-read our learning progressions and did a little proofing.
2. We need another blank document so we can add more progressions. Our progressions so far are complete, they might need a few more minor changes.

Guidance - Deb
4/5/2011 06:39:29 am

I have gone through what the team did and considered some changes, but really hated to make any without the H.S. and Elem. input. They look pretty good as is. Again, we would like more time with all 3 of us.
We think we need to re-look at our curriculum cross-walking tool, to consider where the domains are as we continue to work on the learning progressions.

Math - Diane and Nancy
4/5/2011 06:51:53 am

In-depth overview of grade 5 and grade 6 using grade specific Iowa Core. Nancy has a working document on what is covered in 5th and 6th and what needs to be implemented starting next fall.

After today, we are very overwhelmed with what Iowa Core has us teaching in the grade specific. Iowa Core's standards have us teaching topics previously taught at higher grade levels. (EX-Standards that 5th need to have, are currently being taught in 6th.)


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