Which learning progression has been completed with increasing complexity color-coded? What is the document's name in Google Docs?

Identify remaining work to be done in order to complete other learning progressions in the team's content area.

**Final session will be Middle School teachers only.
literacy group
2/11/2011 12:42:08 am

We have looked at all the literacy learning progressions: fiction, non-fiction, and vocabulary/decoding. We have a start at looking at the writing.

Non fiction would be the best one to use in the next step.

2/11/2011 03:06:35 am

We have the physcial science on Chemistry completed for your viewing pleasure!
LP PS #1.doc

Need to finish one more physical science and three more earth science...after that we need to do life science and science as inquiry.

2/11/2011 03:09:54 am

Properties of Painting is the one we color coded today and the name of it is LP-Painting. We are still adding things to all 3 of our Learning Progressions, yet.

2/11/2011 04:31:46 am

Which learning progression has been completed with increasing complexity color-coded? What is the document's name in Google Docs?

Though we color coded 9 of them, we selected LP FL Spending.

Identify remaining work to be done in order to complete other learning progressions in the team's content area.

We will next work on LP EM Leadership, Communication and Collaboration, and Initiative and Life Long Learning to complete the Employability section of 21st Century Skills.

The learning progressions with green titles have been reviewed by the elementary teachers

2/11/2011 04:49:38 am

We have color-coded all of them, but we select the LP:Music Interpretation.

We have begun work on two more learning progressions, however, we were unable to locate a blank document to use. Help is requested...

Math Team
2/11/2011 04:54:51 am

1. We have completed the Math LP2 Data and Analysis with color codes.
2. We need to finish Math LP 1 Geometry and finish Math LP3 Algebra.

2/11/2011 04:54:59 am

1. Color-Coded: LP Literacy Nonfiction

2. Color code vocabulary and writing. K-2 needs to look at fiction strategies and the rest of writing.

2/11/2011 04:58:44 am

1. We have color coded all seven of our learning progressions. (Team Sports, Manipulatives, Motor Skills, Fitness, Weight Training, Psychological and Sociological Concepts of PE, and Lifetime Sports)

2. Please look at what we have done and critique it.

Social Studies
2/11/2011 05:01:10 am

1. Color-coded: LP_SS_Geography

2. Still need to color-code History, Economics, Behavioral Sciences, and Civic Literacy/Government. We also need to double-check all of the LP's and the descriptions.

2/11/2011 05:02:01 am

We color-coded our Academic Self-Concept, Developing Career Awareness, Personal/Social Development, and Acquiring Skills for Learning Improvement progressions.

The one that we are most comfortable with using for the next step is our Developing Career Awareness one.

We feel that our progressions are fairly wrapped up. However, it would be nice to have a little more time with our elementary representative to make sure that we understand what goes on at that level.


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